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МАОУ "Гимназия №3" г.Перми

Адрес: 614030, г. Пермь, ул. Звенигородская, 11
Тел.: 274-13-79 - приемная, 274-57-14 - бухгалтерия, 274-26-31 - заместители директора,
274-61-80 - медики, 274-65-33 - вахта, e-mail: gimnaziya3@permedu.online

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English Corner

Do you love our gymnasium as much as I love it? I am sure you DO because you are here! (or you read this) ))) I feel proud every time I hear or watch news about my favourite school! Every good news about our gymnasium brings warm in my heart! I love all the traditions here. If it is the Ball in the Palace of culture by Chekhov or the Day of Football on the Gaya stadium! And l want you, my dear students, to speak about our DEAREST MAGIC place which is open to everybody!❤
And also let us dream about our NEW school! Very soon it WILL BE built! What do you want to have in it? How can we decorate our new classrooms and halls? What new projects can we create here and there? Let us dream! And let our dreams come true!


Pin GREEN Stickers with your notes about our gymnasium, please

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